Vanishing of the Bees

    This 2009 documentary raises awareness about the importance of protecting the honeybee population. Bees are vital pollinators, and a thriving bee population is an indicator of a healthy ecosystem; however, bees are suffering from Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). CCD is when complete hives are decimated and left void of life. Vanishing of the Bees tells the stories of struggling beekeepers and emphasizes that the future of the bees will ultimately determine the future of our human population.  

    The honeybee colony consists of individual bees working together to create a beneficial community. Each colony consists of one queen and many female worker bees; this matriarchal society symbolizes the female aspect of the divine. This divine community that works to feed our world is currently under attack. Big agriculture that favors monoculture crops and pesticides has contributed to causing CCD, and the residual effects of these sublethal pesticides are deadly. 

    Beekeepers experience devastating losses each year, and they have grown accustomed to finding empty bee boxes. Across the world, beekeepers have united to find out what causes CCD and how to prevent it. They’ve concluded that sublethal chemicals in pesticides are resulting in CCD and long-term immune issues in bees. Passing legislation that bans the use of sublethal pesticides would protect the bees, the bee farmers, and our food system. Because large agriculture companies influence the EPA by conducting biased research, saving the bees has turned into a grassroots issue.  

    To help save the bees, you can plant your own garden full of pollinator-attracting flowers, support your local farmer and only buy real honey (avoid processed honey with sugar additives), use organic alternatives to pesticides, and choose food that is grown sustainably and ethically.

      Nicole Hatfield 

    Vanishing of the Bees

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